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Xbox One getting screenshot feature and improved social features in March update

Microsoft has been keen on adding notable features each month and though the quantity of major features in the updates died down for a while, some significant additions are on their way in the Xbox One March update.

The previously teased screenshot feature is finally coming to fruition in a similar fashion to the “Xbox, record that” feature users can either say the command or double tap the Xbox button and press Y to save a still image.

Managing the saved screenshots operates similarly to videos with an updated Upload app that will allow users to view past screenshots and set any of them as a user’s custom background.

Also new to customizing the UI, transparent tiles will now have a varying slider to adjust to the exact level of transparency desired.

Outside of system changes, the social features are undergoing some changes with suggested friends being added to friends lists. Microsoft is looking for gamers to expand their Activity Feed so more worthwhile content will appear in the friends app.

As friends list increase, those who want more control over privacy will get it with name sharing changes. Now players can elect to either let the entire Xbox Live community see their real name or they can opt for just their friends.

Also being added is the much-needed “Report Spam” feature. Since the release of the console spam messages have grown in popularity and now users can select specific messages to mark as spam as Microsoft looks to cut down on fake accounts.

For more info check out MajorNelson's blog.