While it hasn’t officially been announced, Watch_Dogs’ official twitter feed heavily hinted that Camden, New Jersey will be the latest playable city in the Watch_Dogs universe. It can be assumed the tweet is referring to an upcoming DLC, though it could even be a hint of a Watch_Dogs 2 (highly unlikely).
The tweeted graphic notes “a 24/7 surveillance program” is in effect for the city with “the highest crime rates in the US in 2012.”
The statistic is certainly fictionalized, but it will be exciting to see how Ubisoft approaches the new setting and if any changes to the gameplay itself will occur as well. Beyond just the gameplay, their scale of the city will be interesting to note as well.
Camden is just 10.34 sq miles and when compared to the massive 234 sq miles of Chicago, it is likely that Ubisoft’s iteration of the city will be much smaller than that of their Chicago.
With that said, no official details have been released, but more information is sure to arise soon.