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3 Games to Buy for Next Gen in 2015

Don’t know where to spend your gaming budget in 2015? We’re here to help.

After being released in 2013, Next Generation Consoles are nearing two and a half years old. With release day games like Titanfall and Killzone Shadow Fall the consoles had some very mixed reviews. The general consensus was to wait a year or more and just stick with the users old console so next gen gaming can have some time to improve and have some better titles.

Well now here we are in 2015, so how are Xbox Ones and PS4‘s doing?

So far this year we have had some mediocre games with a few highly notable ones. Titles such as Bloodborne, Mortal Combat X, and Dying Light show us the excellence, beauty, and potential next gen offers where games like The Order remind us that maybe it’s only… beauty.

There is still about 8 months left in the year and that means plenty of upcoming releases. With plenty of time but only a limited amount of spending money, Pixelpine has taken the courtesy of helping you figure out where your money should be going when buying your Xbox One or PS4 games for 2015.

Here are the 3 top options coming out on Xbox One and PS4 at some point this year:


Star Wars: Battlefront 3 – November 17, 2015

Making a surprise appearance at E3 in 2013, publisher Electronic Arts rocked the gaming world by announcing that the start of the third instalment of the Battlefront series was underway. Almost two years have passed and now the millions of fans who have waited since 2005 for another Battlefront title only have to wait until November. Whether you are one of the decade old fans or new to the series this game will be a must buy.

The unique third or first person shooter portraying a cultural classic lets you relive the old Star Wars battles from both sides of the force and gives you the option to even change the course of the galaxy.


Tom Clancy’s The Division – TBD, 2015 

It was tough putting this up as a must buy because there is such little information available about the title but what information there is gives it a very appealing edge.

Based from the story in the Tom Clancy series, The Division sets us about a month after a black friday resulted epidemic in New York City. You, the player, are a part of a last resort unit called The Division. You’re mission is to live among the people of what is left of New York and do whatever necessary to prevent the fall of society and help piece it back together.

This game is an MMO and the map is HUGE. It lengthens throughout all parts of New York City. Although very little gameplay has been revealed for the game this video will give you a good idea of what to expect when the title is released:



Batman Arkham Knight – June 23, 2015

So far the Batman series have been very successful and there are many reasons to believe that his title will be the best of the series.

The map is bigger, the weapons are better, the villains are harder, emotions are strong and the bat mobile is more badass than ever. With improved next gen graphics and fighting mechanics Batman Arkham Knight will be the most action-packed and exciting of the series.

A Game That Could Go Either Way


No Man’s Sky

As a bonus here is one game worth checking out this year:

From small studio producer and developer Hello Games, No Man’s Sky is an incredibly unique game. It is a game of exploration and the only game where the exploration is truly unique to each player. Why is this? Because each player can be exploring a part of the game no other person in the world has ever explored, literally.

Hello Games has developed an engine where the map is self creating: infinite.

The game takes place in the universe. Each player is set in a spaceship on a random planet. Players can fly and explore this planet and its vegetation but have the option to leave and fly out into the universe where thousands, millions of planets are waiting to be explored due to the self creating world. The more you play the more chance you will have to progress and increase your ships weaponry, armour, and engine.

With such a unique concept for a game and coming from a small developer No Man’s Sky is a wildcard at the moment to whether it will be the game of the decade or a game not worth buying. Your best bet will be to wait until it comes out and to watch reviews and gameplay to see if the game will suit you.


We hope that this article helps you in deciding where your gaming budget will be going for the rest of the year and stay tuned to Pixelpine for reviews for each of these titles.

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The Division and Rainbow Six will be released this year; new Assassin’s Creed details coming this Spring

Ubisoft has again confirmed in an investors report that The Division, Rainbow Six Siege, and a new Assassin’s Creed game are all on pace for their 2015 releases.

The report mentions the success of Far Cry 4, The Crew, and both of the Assassin’s Creeds released in Q3 of 2014 and the continued success of Watch Dogs with “the biggest launch ever of a new IP.”

Though Q4 isn’t predicted to have results as good as it had been in 2013, Ubisoft offered an immense amount of assurance for 2015 with the release of various new high-profile titles.

The Division — an entirely new IP — looks to bring the best of the classic Tom Clancy style to an open-world shared multiplayer experience. This third-person shooter is likely the best sales booster for Ubisoft. The game offers a very “next-gen” feel in the desolate streets of New Yorky City. Though with the disappointment that WatchDogs had in regards to bringing a new level of graphics and gameplay to the new consoles, the excitement for the game should stay reserved.

Rainbow Six is returning from a long hiatus — picking up from the last release of Rainbow Six Vegas 2 back in 2008 on the Xbox 360 and PS3. The tactical-focused shooter is coming back with even more intensity in the firefights and rescue missions that ensue.

Details on the new Assassin’s Creed are still hazy, but more will soon be revealed in an investors call in May.

Ubisoft Group sales report
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Tom Clancy’s The Division | new details

Tom Clancy games have commonly taken similar settings and art styles.
Tom Clancy games have commonly taken similar settings and art styles.

Ubisoft has revealed new details for highly anticipated open-world shooter, The Division, and their new specialized engine looks to bring a true next-gen experience to the Xbox One and Playstation 4.

In a world where society has collapsed within days, a classified unit of tactical agents is activated. The Division is designed to protect society after a major collapse.

The narrative within the game is certainly going to be a major key to enjoying the gameplay, but the cooperative experience will likely be the true heart of the game.

With seamless player vs player action developing as you play and player to player trading system as well, the game will likely be best played with friends and allies to support each other.

For those who want to try and different approach to the multiplayer, you’ll also be able to join the game with an app for mobile devices. You’ll play as a small drone that can attack enemies from above and mark targets for your allies.

You’ll be able to customize your character and loot fallen enemies or allies as you battle throughout the collapsed New York City.

“Customize your agent with thousands of weapon types, skill combinations, gear and much more.” (Tom Clancy’s The Division Press Release)

With a city like New York as your world of exploration, the environment should certainly be vast enough to witness a great variety of combat.

 “A persistent and dynamic environment that combines the Tom Clancy series’ core authenticity and tactical decisions, RPG action, trading and much more” 

Powering that the lighting effects and procedural destruction of that dynamic environment is Ubisoft’s new Snowdrop game engine. This new engine may be the most exciting quality the game has. The Snowdrop engine is “tailor-made for next-gen consoles” and because of that next-gen focus, Ubisoft and Massive Entertainment can bring a truly remarkable experience to the Xbox One, Playstation 4, and PCs in 2015.