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Rockstar Editor and DLC on the way to GTA V on new-gen consoles

When Grand Theft Auto V released for PC back in April a few notable bonus features were included that made it stand out from the consoles even more than just the improved visuals. The Rockstar Editor was introduced to allow the creation of custom video clips from players. Now that feature is coming to Xbox One and PS4 — albeit in a limited fashion.

The Rockstar Editor, available for both the single player and GTA Online, will give video makers extensive access to characters, pedestrians, and animals to manipulate and direct short clips however they see fit. While Rockstar has said the PS4 and Xbox One versions of the Editor will be specifically tailored for the limited processing power they have in comparison to high-end PCs.

More notable features coming to the consoles is “The Lab” radio channel, but as for custom radio stations, they “just wouldn’t technically be possible” on consoles according to the developer.

Various DLC is also ensured for the near-future but as far as heists go, new ones seem unlikely to release any time soon.

“For those asking for more Heists, please understand that Grand Theft Auto Online Heists were a tremendous undertaking so it’s not the sort of thing where we can easily create and publish additional Heists like other Job modes and missions. We are, however, working on other cool updates for GTA Online that you can expect over the coming months.” – Rockstar Asked & Answered