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Ep. 51 What Went Wrong With For Honor And Mass Effect Andromeda ?

Chris busted his ass and rants about for honor. Matt discusses about how Horizon zero dawn’s writing is a new standard for story telling.

Banana on!

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Ep. 48 February Fourplay

In this episode Matt has finally started catching up on some of the better games he missed in 2016. Chris gives his impressions on for Honor and talks about what makes Nioh different and unique from the souls series. So it’s business as usual on the Platinum Achievement Podcast. Oh, and Matt and Chris agree to Platinum 4 games in February, one of which is Ratchet & Clank, which they have agreed to talk about when finished.

Banana on!

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Ep. 47 Is Nintendo Switch Doomed to Fail?

In this episode we have special guest Clint Maximus! He is very excited to have a simulated experience with milking cows in 1,2 Switch. Brian is here again, thankfully he wasn’t abducted by aliens this time around. Chris is angry about Nintendo’s online services, particularly the one month time limit to play the SNES or NES games that are part of the subscription.

Banana on!

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Ep. 46 GOTY 2016 – The PA PODCAST

Finally Brian is back, he has been away because Elves abducted him and they forced him to make small toys using tiny tools while sitting on a tiny chair in Santa’s workshop but he was able to ESCAPE !!! Elves blood were spilled that day.
In this very long episode, Chris, Brian and Matt share their Top 10 lists of Game of the year 2016 and their disappointing games of 2016. Some genitals and diseases were mentioned.

Also Matt is not dying anymore.



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Ep. 43 Nintendo Stop Being Nintendo


Paul gives his opinion about killing floors. Chris talks about the difficulty of the unravel platinum. Matt is pissed off by nintendo’s mini NES stock shortage, because of nintendo little jimmy isn’t going to get his present. We name the playstation bear, in addition we ruin childhood cartoons. Make sure to send PSN friend request to Matt for him to finally play battlefield 1 and fail at it (PSN ID: infiniterewind).

Also Matt is still dying.

PS: I give miss information about fantastic beasts -Chris Har
