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Heists to be added to GTA Online in first GTA V new-generation update

GTA Online looks to be bolstered in the new iteration of the game with heists finally coming.
GTA Online looks to be bolstered in the new iteration of the game with heists finally coming.

It seems after over a year from the initial promises that heists would be incorporated into GTA V online, Rockstar is finalizing the inclusion of the highly coveted game mode.

“…we’ve got some really exciting stuff in the works to continue adding to, expanding and evolving the world of Grand Theft Auto Online – including the highly anticipated launch of Online Heists which will be available for all four consoles as the first GTA Online Update…” – Rockstar official report

More details are to come soon, but for many fans the anticipation of heists slowly died down as the developer took longer and longer to add the organized multiplayer experience.

With heists coming now for the new-generation the excitement will likely build once again, but with no concrete release date for the update and the past prolonged duration of waiting, fans should remain cautious in their optimism that the game mode comes within a reasonable time frame.

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GTA V on PS4 comfirmed to be 1080p per the latest Official Playstation Magazine (Update – The Xbox Will too)

The beautiful vistas of Los Santos look even better this time around at 1080p.
The beautiful vistas of Los Santos look even better this time around at 1080p.

GTA V’s upgrades in the upcoming next-gen release goes beyond just in-game additions and improvements — a significant visual upgrade will be included as well.

Grand Theft Auto V is coming to Xbox One and Playstation 4 in just a few more weeks, and the newest copy of the Official Playstation Magazine states the game will have a “glimmering 1080p presentation.”

With so many additions — new jobs, more songs, animals in GTA Online, character transfer upgrades, improved driving experience, and new easter eggs that make the title worth a buy (or a second buy), the reveals regarding the game seems to just get better and better.

No details regarding the Xbox One’s resolution or frame rate — nor the PS4’s frame rate, but 30 FPS will likely be the case for both titles. The Xbox One’s resolution may trail slightly behind the PS4 as well, but Rockstar is an incredible developer who might be able to squeeze the Xbox for all it’s worth and match the PS4 resolution… but Xbox fans shouldn’t hold their breath.

GTA V will be available November 18th for both the Xbox One and PS4 and will come to PC in early 2015.

Update: Rockstar’s official report shows that both the Xbox One and PS4 will run at 1080p 30 FPS.