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The Division and Rainbow Six will be released this year; new Assassin’s Creed details coming this Spring

Ubisoft has again confirmed in an investors report that The Division, Rainbow Six Siege, and a new Assassin’s Creed game are all on pace for their 2015 releases.

The report mentions the success of Far Cry 4, The Crew, and both of the Assassin’s Creeds released in Q3 of 2014 and the continued success of Watch Dogs with “the biggest launch ever of a new IP.”

Though Q4 isn’t predicted to have results as good as it had been in 2013, Ubisoft offered an immense amount of assurance for 2015 with the release of various new high-profile titles.

The Division — an entirely new IP — looks to bring the best of the classic Tom Clancy style to an open-world shared multiplayer experience. This third-person shooter is likely the best sales booster for Ubisoft. The game offers a very “next-gen” feel in the desolate streets of New Yorky City. Though with the disappointment that WatchDogs had in regards to bringing a new level of graphics and gameplay to the new consoles, the excitement for the game should stay reserved.

Rainbow Six is returning from a long hiatus — picking up from the last release of Rainbow Six Vegas 2 back in 2008 on the Xbox 360 and PS3. The tactical-focused shooter is coming back with even more intensity in the firefights and rescue missions that ensue.

Details on the new Assassin’s Creed are still hazy, but more will soon be revealed in an investors call in May.

Ubisoft Group sales report
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Far Cry 4 Season Pass to give players access to a variety of additional missions

For an extra $30, a sizeable collection of bonus maps and mutliplayer modes will be available in Far Cry 4's Season Pass.
For an extra $30, a sizeable collection of bonus maps and mutliplayer modes will be available in Far Cry 4’s Season Pass.

More and more developers have been electing for a “Season Pass” type system, and Ubisoft will be no different with Far Cry 4.

Far Cry 4’s season pass package of bonuses will give players an assortment of new missions to experience, as well as a unique PvP multiplayer mode for those that elect to pay the additional $29.99.

The selection of missions should be very exciting to play through, with each having a unique style and a mix of them including multiplayer as well. There’s enough variety within the package to make the the extra costs worth it.

Here’s what you’ll get:

The Syringe – Available from launch exclusively for Season Pass holders, players must keep a rare and potent recipe from falling into the hands of Pagan Min’s forces. Playable in single-player and co-op, players will need to ensure that he does not use its devastating effects on the rebel forces.
Escape from Durgesh Prison – Ajay and Hurk have been rounded up and tortured in Yuma’s prison. Team up with a friend to escape and survive the hostile lands of Pagan Min’s Kyrat.
Hurk Deluxe Pack – Five missions, playable in single-player and co-op, including Yak Farm, Blood Ruby and Hurk’s Redemption are available. Access an arsenal of new weapons including a harpoon gun for Hurk.
Overrun – Team up as Rakshasa or Golden Path in this PvP mode and control a series of neutral locations across Kyrat’s countryside to protect them from being overrun by your opponents.
Valley of the Yetis – Ajay’s helicopter has crashed on an unforgiving Himalayan ridge. Explore the frozen landscape and find tools to upgrade your camp and protect it from a dangerous cult when night falls. With single-player and co-op options, players will not be alone, but in the darkest caves players will have more to fear than just the cult as the yetis await their prey…

Maybe the most exciting inclusion, the Valley of Yetis, will have a new PvP mode for gamers to experience. The yeti is just one of the many creatures you’ll be witness to in the journey through the insane world of Kyrat, and this game mode will put the spotlight on them.

Far Cry 4 releases on nearly all major platforms (Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, PS3, and PC) on November 18th 2014. Look for the game to be available on the Xbox Store, the Playstation store, and Steam in the coming weeks.

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Far Cry 4 – Welcome to Kyrat Part 2 | Ubisoft explores a diversity of environments and personalities in new trailer

The world of Kyrat looks to bring one of the most diverse selections of environments ever available to a Far Cry game.

But it’s not just the incredible vistas and landscapes to admire as you travel through Kyrat, the game promises a story line just as riveting as the last Far Cry.

The style of the game clearly draws from the success of Far Cry 4, with a similar plot line, more interactive wildlife, and deep characters.

The pink-suited and well kempt man that has been showcased throughout almost all of the trailers released so far, Pagan Min, behaves and acts in a fashion that resembles the striking image of Vaas Montenegro from Far Cry 3.

Ubisoft has emphasized their ability to develop complex personalities that players encounter throughout their games and this trailer shows even more insanity and depth for what will likely be crucial characters within the story.

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Far Cry 4 – Glimpse into Kyrat Gamescom trailer

Ubisoft’s most recent trailer has given a much clearer view of the world in which Far Cry 4 takes place. The trailer describes the world as “beautiful brutality,” and it is certainly fitting — as it is for all Far Cry games.

From the Himalayas, to the parallel universe of Shangri-La, Far Cry 4 has a diverse setting with some beautiful landscapes that will certainly be enjoyable for players to fly through in their wing-suit.

Those who pick up Far Cry 4 on Playstation 4 or Playstation 3 will receive an exclusive promotion dubbed “Keys to Kyrat.”

The promotion will give each player who owns the game the ability share 10 multiplayer keys with anyone they’d like and play together — even if they don’t own the game. Learn more here. “Ubisoft utilizing free multiplayer trials to promote Far Cry 4”

Far Cry 4 will be released November 18th for Playstation 4, Playstation 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC.