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Xbox expands beyond the television | Windows 10 cross-functionality coming soon

Windows 10 was an expected milestone for Microsoft to reach for quite some time, and as its full release nears new information has been revealed regarding how Xbox will evolve with the new experience.

The new Xbox app re-styles many of the current features that the app already has, but also adds Game DVR functionality with editing capabilities, as well as a new cross-compatibility between PC, Windows Phone, and Xbox.

Players will now be able to cross-play certain games, as well as use the voice chat features (party chat) between platforms other than just Xbox.

In addition, many Xbox One accessories will be compatible with Windows 10 devices, leading to an even more significant new feature — Game Streaming. Live games on an Xbox One can now be streamed and played on any Windows 10 PC/Tablet on the same network.

Showcased with some of the new features, Microsoft also announced Fable Legends will be coming to PC just as it releases on the Xbox One. This will be the first premier game to demonstrate the cross-platform multiplayer coming to Windows 10.

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Fable Legends beta sign ups available now

Fable Legends' beta begins next week.
Fable Legends’ beta begins next week.

Fable Legends is looking to rejuvenate the franchise as it incorporates for the first time, four player co-op, and those who want an early look will soon get it.

After struggling for roughly eight years to return to the greatness that the first two Fable games invoked, Lionhead Studios is hoping that the Unreal Engine-powered Fable Legends will get fans excited once again.

If you signed up for the beta sign-up notification back at E3, you’ve likely just received the news that registration for the beta is open now, and anyone who wants in on the action can head on over to the Fable Legends site to enter your email and other details.

The beta starts next week (October 16th) exclusively on the Xbox One.