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Battleborn heroes showcased in latest E3 trailer

The upcoming first-person shooter/MOBA from Gearbox/2k Games, Battleborn, has already received a lot of praise with expectations for the game steadily rising and now a new trailer has released — just in time for E3 too. This new trailer gives a closer look at the heroes and the variety of gameplay associated with each one.

Battleborn offers an explosion of color and personality in its characters and gameplay, and this latest trailer only reinforces that notion.

The graphics are highly stylized and the gameplay looks to be frantic, fast-paced, and eye-popping. The latest trailer shows some closer looks at the variety of characters in the game. Battleborn offers 25 playable characters each with their own unique traits. Bows and arrows, mini-guns, assault rifles, magic, and more are open to be used by the player depending on which character they choose.

Check out the trailer below for an idea of what to expect from the title — including a look at some of the gameplay.

Battleborn will release on Xbox One, PS4, and PC, however a release date is yet to be revealed. More information will be revealed at E3 on June 16-18.

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Gearbox’s Battleborn | Information and trailer

Coming in 2015 to Xbox One, Playstation 4, and PC, Gearbox prefers to call their newest upcoming FPS a “hero shooter,” and with the variety of powers in their main characters it certainly seems fitting. Comprised of 20 unique playable characters, Battleborn promises a great deal of variety of abilities and personalities that players will take on as their own lead character throughout the triple-A title.

These characters abilities and traits will change the way you approach the open world from the start and will enhance the game even more through a co-operative multiplayer experience. Though not all the characters are revealed so far, Gearbox’s official forum posts reveal a few specifics about their capablities.

“…Rath of the Jennerit Empire wields swords and is a melee specialist who scoffs at other characters, like Oscar Mike, who uses guns and calls in airstrikes. Meanwhile, Thorn of the Eldrid is deadly accurate with her magic-infused bow and arrow and is strong when paired with Miko, who can heal and buff allies in between ninja-like attacks with deadly Kunai.”

Though their presets are determined from the beginning, each character is cosmetically customizable.

“Keep in mind that each Battleborn hero can also be customized both cosmetically and through game play builds that span various play styles or otherwise enable you to adapt to the very dynamic game play that unfolds.”

These characters and unique personalities team up to take down one main antagonist, Varelsi — “an unstoppable menace trying to destroy the last star in a dying universe.”

With a 5 player online co-operative campaign (along with a competitive online multiplayer) Gearbox has an emphasis on teamwork and utilizing all of your unique abilities together to progress. It will also include local split-screen multiplayer as well.

Battleborn is sure to draw from Gearbox’s experience with their last game, Borderlands, as it has a similar gameplay-style with its clear priority on co-operative multiplayer.

For more info about Battleborn, check out Gearbox’s official forums.

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