The long awaited Persona 5 has had its release date pushed according to Atlus’ twitter page. There will be a simultaneous Japan & North American release but will take place in 2016. To reassure fans, Atlus has decided to give fans another gameplay video that shows new additions to the franchise such as an actual city to travel through, platforming, and jumping into paintings.
In the same vain of its predecessors, Persona 5 is a dungeon crawling role-playing game that has you living out a year in the life of a high school boy who receives the ability to summon facets of his psyche known as personas. Personas often take the form of gods, demons, spirits, and legends from various religions and folklore from around the world.
After the PS2 entries Persona 3 (2006), which became a cult classic in the west, and Persona 4 (2008), often dubbed “the best game ever” by hardcore fans, Atlus has been able to release multiple spin-off iterations from the two titles’ success. Each game has had a remake on PSP/Vita, a directors’s cut version of Persona 3, spawned two fighting games, a cross-over between the two functioning like an Etrian Odyssey game, and an upcoming rhythm game called Persona 4: Dancing All Night coming out this September 29, 2015. The franchise’s fanbase has been growing strong with each year and the success from these games is proof of that.
Persona 5 is generating a lot of expectations since it is the first true sequel of the franchise in seven years. If Persona 5 did come out in 2015, it probably would have been the biggest RPG release after The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and Fallout 4. It’ll be interesting to see how successful the game will be and whether or not the changes and additions Persona 5 makes will be accepted.