For its 11-year lifespan World of Warcraft has positioned itself as a steady and prominent icon in modern gaming. Now, the game’s developers at Blizzard are implementing a new system that could help keep more players playing.
The system follows the similar model of Eve Online’s Plex program. It allows players who may have the time to play, but struggle money-wise to focus greater efforts on the game to support their playing through the in-game economy.
Tokens in the game world can be purchased with real money and then sold again via the auction house with each token representing 30 days of subscription. For those that have stored up large quantities of gold they can now take some reward for their time invested.
“The WoW Token feature gives players on both sides of the equation a secure and straightforward way to make that exchange. It opens up a new kind of payment option for World of Warcraft players, and we hope that it will also help lead to fewer account compromises and a better game experience overall.” – Blizzard Blog Post
Though “gold-farming” had been an issue for quite some time, Blizzard effectively battles this by giving what those farming the gold want. They can now purchase tokens to sell in the game world while also supporting the current player base.
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