Ubisoft’s most recent trailer has given a much clearer view of the world in which Far Cry 4 takes place. The trailer describes the world as “beautiful brutality,” and it is certainly fitting — as it is for all Far Cry games.
From the Himalayas, to the parallel universe of Shangri-La, Far Cry 4 has a diverse setting with some beautiful landscapes that will certainly be enjoyable for players to fly through in their wing-suit.
Those who pick up Far Cry 4 on Playstation 4 or Playstation 3 will receive an exclusive promotion dubbed “Keys to Kyrat.”
The promotion will give each player who owns the game the ability share 10 multiplayer keys with anyone they’d like and play together — even if they don’t own the game. Learn more here. “Ubisoft utilizing free multiplayer trials to promote Far Cry 4”
Far Cry 4 will be released November 18th for Playstation 4, Playstation 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC.