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Chinese android console, OUYE, gets gaming console rip-off hat trick

The obvious rip-off versions of gaming consoles isn’t a particularly strange sight to see with things like the Playbox 720, Polystation, Chintendo, and more, but one specific Chinese company is going for the hat-trick in console rip offs.

The OUYE is currently available to be backed on — a Chinese version of Kickstarter. The console’s creators are looking for ¥100,000 (roughly 15,000 U.S. dollars). The name is quite literally one letter away from the OUYA — the android gaming console recently sold to Razer. The console itself is a near mirror image of the PlayStation 4’s exterior design.


fake playstation 1

fake xbox one controller

The console boasts “powerful” specs like 2 GB of DDR3 RAM, an A80 processor, and 16 gigs of flash memory! Processor/GPU wise it actually is on a similar level to the OUYA.

The final piece giving this console the rip-off hat trick is the controller. It’s completely identical to the Xbox One controller with just a minor alteration — the removed Xbox Home button in the center and the replacing android-centric buttons.

The UI also looks fairly similar to the Xbox One UI with the large button layout and tabbed home screen menu bar.

fake xbox one ui

The creators of the console have 30 days to finish crowdfunding — but it’s not looking so great with 0 supporters for even 1 yen.

2 thoughts on “Chinese android console, OUYE, gets gaming console rip-off hat trick

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