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The End

Thank you to everyone that has ever been a fan of Pixelpine or any of our amazing writers over the years. After starting this in 2013 as an experiment of my own in both webdesign and journalism it is now the official end of

I’d like to thank all of our writers:

Chris Ryan, Logan MacGillivray, Samuel Sharpe, Michael Tatar, and Ben Volpe.

And also a thank you to all other contributors including:

Joseph Coluccio, Quint Austin, Chris Har, Imran Haji, Matthew Kiel, and Antonio Guillien.

This website wouldn’t have been so amazing without all of you. Thanks for sharing in this journey with me. I love you all.

For anyone interested in my future endeavors head to and follow me on twitter @zombiexsp

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PSN Update: PSN services return

PSN back online

After three days in the dark, PSN has finally returned to the light of day across all devices in PS4, PS3 and Vita.

Last night, I reported that I was able to access all PSN services on both PS4 and PS3 around 10 pm.

Shortly thereafter, Catherine Jensen, vice president of SCEA Consumer Experience, posted a second statement on the Playstation Blog informing Playstation users the network is back up and running.

The Playstation support page is also showing the PSN status as green, but “Some latency may be experienced due to high volume.”

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