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Calling all rockers! | Guitar Hero Live reveal trailer released

We all know about Guitar Hero and how much fun it was, and many fans were upset as the franchise looked to die down. But the hype is back! Yes that’s right, Guitar Hero Live is coming to PS4 and Xbox One, and it’s better than ever.

With all this time to work on the game there are some huge changes coming. Instead of five buttons you had to press in the old guitar heroes, they changed it to only three which is a big thing. You can strum up or down on each button though so there are actually six different combinations. Another big change is the graphics which receives a boost — some of the visuals are even live recorded.

The biggest change is the removal of the rock meter, which showed how well players were doing as they played — even going to the point where you could be kicked out. But in this new guitar hero the feature is taken out and you can’t be kicked out mid-song.

If you are doing bad then you can really tell, the crowd boos and you can almost see the disappointment in their faces, along with that if you look at a band mate they try to boost your confidence and tell you to pick it up.

You can check all this out in the video below. To stay updated on guitar hero news check back on Pixelpine.