343 Industries has released an influx of Halo news on twitter Saturday, with updates regarding “The Masterchief Collection”. Leading the excitement was a small look at the first concept art for the remastered Halo 2.

Coagulation, often regarded as the most popular multiplayer map of the former game, clearly shows high ambitions for the the upcoming release. Giving the feeling of vast landscapes and massive structures should be much more feasible on the next-gen consoles.
343i has also released a new vehicle, the gungoose.

The Gungoose has the base design of two-man vehicle introduced in Halo 3, the mongoose, but it also incorporated small cannons on the front to give it greater combat effectiveness. It is somewhat reminiscent of the “chopper”.
Here’s the full list of new and returning features of Halo 2
Some new and returning game modes:
- CTF – (1 Flag CTF)
- Assault – (Multi bomb, Single bomb, Neutral bomb)
- Territories
- Juggernaut
- Ricochet
- Race
- Infection
- The return of the Assault Rifle!
- Silenced SMG
- Magnum Tuning
- Speed boost
- Weapon sets
- Mongoose
- Gungoose
343i shows that they plan to not just release a graphically updated game, but to continue fine-tuning the gameplay. Many other improvements and information will likely be released soon. Check back here and on Pixelpine’s twitter page for updates!
Check out 343i’s official Halo recap of RTX 2014 for more info and concept art.
[…] this new positive direction with the best franchise in Xbox’s history returning, the Xbox One has an opportunity to take a massive jump in popularity by the end of this […]